Fibers is a resource obtained by mowing Hemp. The hemp plant is tall and hard to miss, given that it loves to grow in open fields or meadows. Especially the pink-red flowers on top serve as a good reference point when you're looking for it
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- Windsward is known by its abandoned farms, ranches and varied landscapes, from coastal rocks to plains with rocky forests, and fields with bison.
- Fronded Petalcap – it is a magical mushroom with large petals, which at first was only needed as an ingredient for alchemy. But in the closed beta, this mushroom was added into Azoth Staff questline. This caused such an agiotage around that mushroom.
- Fasern – das sind Hanffasern. Die Pflanze selbst ist ziemlich hochgeschossen und es ist schwer, sie nicht zu bemerken, da sie gerne auf offenen Feldern oder Wiesen wächst. Besonders die rosenroten Blüten an der Spitze sind ein guter Benchmark bei der Suche nach ihm
- There are 4 starting areas in New World: First Light, Windsward, Monarch’s Bluffs and Everfall, but it is not possible to choose which one you will appear on. Random selection determines which starting game location you will be taken to.
- Zur Feier des offiziellen Erscheinens von New World nächste Woche gestalten wir mit den Experten von Urban Screen und Jung von Matt eine Lichtprojektion des Azoth-Baums in Berlin
- New World is a coming massively multiplayer online role-playing game developing by the Amazon Game Studios Orange County. Previously, the company called Double Helix Games
- A Sword is a standard weapon you appear with in New World. And a Shield that goes great with a Sword, is immediately given to you. A Sword lets you perform offensive attacks in the form of strikes
- A Sword is a standard weapon you appear with in New World. And a Shield that goes great with a Sword, is immediately given to you. A Sword lets you perform offensive attacks in the form of strikes
- Amazon finally announced list of servers available at the moment of the game release!